The Gospel

The Gospel

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Anchor Holds...but not so firmly

Ray Boltz, in a recent article, wanted to tell the Christian community that he was in

The article, while mostly disturbing and unfortunate, makes some very interesting statements and observations about the text of scripture. In fact, whether intentionally or inadvertently, the scripture that Ray Boltz reads does not have much authority or certainty in it at all.

He doesn’t want to get into debates about scripture and has no plans to “go into First Baptist or an Assembly of God church and run in there and say, ‘I’m gay and you need to love me anyway.’”For him, the decision to come out is much more personal.“This is what it really comes down to,” he says. “If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I’m going to live. It’s not like God made me this way and he’ll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be … I really feel closer to God because I no longer hate myself.”

With scriptural logic and interpretation like that we run into all kinds of problems. Aren't some people made and have desires that lead to murder. I guess that would be ok since they have "desires" like that and God certainly wouldn't send them to hell if that is how they were created. What about someone who can help cheating on his or her spouse. Is it no longer sin because they can't help it because they have been made that way. Osama Bin Laden must be saying Amen in some cave in Afghanistan.

Living in sin never leads to a closer relationship with God. In fact, sin always leads to separation. We were created in Sin, those who inherited Adam's sin nature. But God is not concerned with letting us live out who we are or think we are. He is more concerned with seeing us image His Son. That is what God created us to be. Our sin prevents us from imaging our creator as we ought to. We need a new birth, something that will change us from the inside out. We need redemption from our sins and the Holy Spirit to conform us to Christ likeness.

God's word is clear and when our life does not line up with scripture, it is not scripture that needs to be changed but us.

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The Outpost - Bible Preaching (Brooke Taylor)