The Gospel

The Gospel

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Are You Green - Reduce, Reuse, Recylce?

Last night at our Youth Bible Study we took a few minutes to look at the life of Gideon. A man, who by his own admission, was not very gifted, qualified or ready to be used by he thought. God tends to use those greatest in his service who are not that great at all, at least not on their own.

As God makes us more like Christ, He begins by "reducing" us...making us humble before Him. As we become more aware with how great and awesome is our Creator and how sinful and wretched we are, humility should be a natural response. The amazing thing is that as God reduces us and our pride, we can easily fall into the trap of Moses or Gideon of questioning whether or not God can really accomplish his purposes if we are really that unqualified; instead of being drawn more to God's power and glory.

But Gideon found out, as each of us need to as well, that God uses the weak things of this world to confound the wise and the strong. He receives all of the glory and yet we receive the benefit. God used Gideon to accomplish something that on his own, Gideon would have fallen flat on his face...yet God promised Gideon victory, not because Gideon could do it, but because God promised him His presence.

God loves taking fallen creatures like us, and...recycling....taking a clay pot and refashioning it after His Son's image to accomplish His purposes. Maybe being a "Green Christian" takes on a whole new meaning.

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The Outpost - Bible Preaching (Brooke Taylor)