The Gospel

The Gospel

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Great Provision

God has richly blessed us through out our ministry. We have seen many joys and trials that God has used to shape us and to conform us to His Son's image.

Today, we finally moved into our new home. Over the last several days we have been trying to get all the things we owned moved in. What is interesting is that we have seen how much stuff we have...and how much stuff we don't need. But often what we do with our stuff is to hide it away so it can't be seen. Yet, it is there, even un noticed, holding us down, creating clutter and not allowing us to maximize the full potential of the space we have.

We often do the same thing with sin in our lives. We don't rid ourselves of it, we just slide it around, call it something else, hide it from view and pretend it is not there, all the while it ways us down, holds us back and gets in the way.

When we look to Christ and trust in His work for our salvation, all of our sins are laid on His cross and he bears the full weight and burden for them. We don't need to hide them, he sees them anyway. We can give them over to Him, let him cleanse us and clean us out from the inside and prepare us for greater service for His Kingdom and lives lived for His glory.

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The Outpost - Bible Preaching (Brooke Taylor)